Monday, February 23, 2009

Hand Injuries (Thumb Sprain)


Hand injuries and finger sprains are extremely common while playing volleyball. When blocking or hitting it is easy to contact the ball awkwardly and hurt fingers. It happens to the best of us. Here's how to deal with it. :)

Symptoms: Pain when the thumb or finger is bent backwards, pain in the web of the finger when it is moved, swelling, muscle weakness

Anatomy: Metacarpo-phalangeal joint (the lowest joint of the finger where it connects with the hand)

Treatment: Rest, a proper tape technique to support the joint, ice, compression, and mobilization exercises to keep the muscle from atrophying

Prevention: the only "prevention" really is to work on strengthening exercises to prevent re-injury and increase stability

That was easy! A hand injury shouldn't keep you out too long, if at all :)

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